Friday, May 04, 2012

Increase Broadband Speed by 20%

I don't know,if it works. I received it from a friend.. But could not verify, because I don't have a broadband connection.
So, please try this and tell me, if it works or not.


This is for broad band connections,

Make sure your logged on as actually "Administrator".
Start->Run->type gpedit.msc
Expand the "Local Computer Policy" branch.
Expand the "Administrative Templates" branch.
Expand the "Network Branch".
Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window.
In right window double-click the "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" setting.
On setting tab check the "Enabled" item.
Where it says "Bandwidth limit%" change it to read 0.

Effect is immediate on some systems, some need to re-boot. This is more of a "counter what XP does" thing. In other words, programs can request up to 20% of the bandwidth be reserved for them, even with QoS disabled


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Delete Locked files in Windows XP - Cannot delete file: Access is denied

Ever had such an annoying message given by Windows?

Ever tried to move copy or delete something in xp where you get a warning
that it is in use by os or another program.... but it isn't... damn annoying...

It has many other flavors:

Cannot delete file: Access is denied
There has been a sharing violation.
The source or destination file may be in use.
The file is in use by another program or user.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

Try unlocker, it puts a shell extension on right click that will unlock pretty much almost any file so that you can delete it.

# Unlocker is the solution!

1. Simply right click the folder or file and select Unlocker

2. If the folder or file is locked, a window listing of lockers will appear

3. Simply click Unlock All and you are done!

Here's the link

Latest Version :


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Thursday, May 03, 2012

How to Create your own Run Command ?

How to Create your own Run Command ?

I talk a lot about Windows, and using the “Run” command is a large part of it. It is a simple and easy method of accessing programs quickly. If you happen to want to make a shortcut to an application your own way, guess what, you can!
Let’s do it:
Step 1: Go to “Start,” “Run,” (told you we use it a lot) and type regedit.
Step 2: Navigate to the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Apps Path
Step 3: Create a new folder/key under Apps Path. (Right-Click Apps Path and click “New,” “Key.”)
Step 4: Title the new folder/key the name of the application, e.g. firefox.exe.
Step 5: Right-Click the default string value (the thing automatically created in your new folder) and click Modify.
Step 6: Change the value to the path of the executable you are attempting to run. E.g. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe.
Step 7: Create a new “String Value” by right-clicking under the default value (the thing we just edited) and select “New,” “String Value.” Name it Path and enter the value as the same path you previously entered.

Step 8: Done! Now, all you need to do is go to “Start,” “Run,” and type the name of your command!

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Move To Folder… for any file n Folder?

Move To Folder… for any file n Folder?
This setting allows you to assign any file on your computer a new right-click menu (context menu) entry.This entry is named “Move To Folder…” which is copy current selected file/files to any folder directly from Right click menu..

For any File:
1] Start > Run > regedit> hit Enter
2] Registry > My Computer > HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > select * (1st subkey)
3] * > shellex > select ‘ContextMenuHandlers‘ & right click > then New > Key
4] then replace ‘New Key #1′ key name to ‘Move To…‘ or as u wish you can write
5] on right side pane, select ‘(Default)‘ name n Double click on it, then brings Edit string field
6] enter value data as ‘{C2FBB631-2971-11d1-A18c-00c04FD75D13}‘ in it n hit Enter.
(Plz enter value as case sensitive with curly braces)
For any Folder:
1] Start > Run > regedit> hit Enter
2] Registry > My Computer > HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > Folder
3] Folder > shellex > select ‘ContextMenuHandlers‘ & right click > then New > Key
4] then replace ‘New Key #1′ key name to ‘Move To…‘ or as u wish you can write
5] on right side pane, select ‘(Default)’ name n Double click on it, then brings Edit string field
6] enter value data as ‘{C2FBB631-2971-11d1-A18c-00c04FD75D13}‘ in it n hit Enter.
(Plz enter value as case sensitive with curly braces)

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Copy to Folder… on every File n Folder?

Copy To Folder… on every File n Folder

This setting allows you to assign any file on your computer a new right-click menu (context menu) entry.
This entry is named “Copy To Folder…” which is copy current selected file/files to any folder directly from Right click menu..
For any File:
1] Start > Run > regedit> hit Enter
2] Registry > My Computer > HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > select * (1st subkey)
3] * > shellex > select ‘ContextMenuHandlers‘ & right click > then New > Key
4] then replace ‘New Key #1′ key name to ‘Copy To…‘ or as u wish you can write(but use as nick)
5] on right side pane, select ‘(Default)’ name n Double click on it, then brings Edit string field
6] enter value data as ‘{C2FBB630-2971-11d1-A18c-00c04FD75D13}‘ in it n hit Enter.
(Plz enter value as case sensitive with curly braces)
For any Folder:
1] Start > Run > regedit> hit Enter
2] Registry > My Computer > HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > Folder
3] Folder > shellex > select ‘ContextMenuHandlers‘ & right click > then New > Key
4] then replace ‘New Key #1′ key name to ‘Copy To…‘ or as u wish you can write(but use as nick)
5] on right side pane, select ‘(Default)’ name n Double click on it, then brings Edit string field
6] enter value data as ‘{C2FBB630-2971-11d1-A18c-00c04FD75D13}‘ in it n hit Enter.
(Plz enter value as case sensitive with curly braces)

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Wireless Hacking & its Counter Measures

Wireless Hacking :-

Wireless networks broadcast their packets using radio frequency or optical wavelengths. A modern laptop computer can listen in. Worse, an attacker can manufacture new packets on the fly and persuade wireless stations to accept his packets as legitimate.
The step by step procerdure in wireless hacking can be explained with help of different topics as follows:-
1) Stations and Access Points :- A wireless network interface card (adapter) is a device, called a station, providing the network physical layer over a radio link to another station.
An access point (AP) is a station that provides frame distribution service to stations associated with it.
The AP itself is typically connected by wire to a LAN. Each AP has a 0 to 32 byte long Service Set Identifier (SSID) that is also commonly called a network name. The SSID is used to segment the airwaves for usage.
2) Channels :- The stations communicate with each other using radio frequencies between 2.4 GHz and 2.5 GHz. Neighboring channels are only 5 MHz apart. Two wireless networks using neighboring channels may interfere with each other.
3) Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) :- It is a shared-secret key encryption system used to encrypt packets transmitted between a station and an AP. The WEP algorithm is intended to protect wireless communication from eavesdropping. A secondary function of WEP is to prevent unauthorized access to a wireless network. WEP encrypts the payload of data packets. Management and control frames are always transmitted in the clear. WEP uses the RC4 encryption algorithm.
4) Wireless Network Sniffing :- Sniffing is eavesdropping on the network. A (packet) sniffer is a program that intercepts and decodes network traffic broadcast through a medium. It is easier to sniff wireless networks than wired ones. Sniffing can also help find the easy kill as in scanning for open access points that allow anyone to connect, or capturing the passwords used in a connection session that does not even use WEP, or in telnet, rlogin and ftp connections.
5 ) Passive Scanning :- Scanning is the act of sniffing by tuning to various radio channels of the devices. A passive network scanner instructs the wireless card to listen to each channel for a few messages. This does not reveal the presence of the scanner. An attacker can passively scan without transmitting at all.
6) Detection of SSID :- The attacker can discover the SSID of a network usually by passive scanning because the SSID occurs in the following frame types: Beacon, Probe Requests, Probe Responses, Association Requests, and Reassociation Requests. Recall that management frames are always in the clear, even when WEP is enabled.
When the above methods fail, SSID discovery is done by active scanning
7) Collecting the MAC Addresses :- The attacker gathers legitimate MAC addresses for use later in constructing spoofed frames. The source and destination MAC addresses are always in the clear in all the frames.
8) Collecting the Frames for Cracking WEP :- The goal of an attacker is to discover the WEP shared-secret key. The attacker sniffs a large number of frames An example of a WEP cracking tool is AirSnort ( ).
9) Detection of the Sniffers :- Detecting the presence of a wireless sniffer, who remains radio-silent, through network security measures is virtually impossible. Once the attacker begins probing (i.e., by injecting packets), the presence and the coordinates of the wireless device can be detected.
10) Wireless Spoofing :- There are well-known attack techniques known as spoofing in both wired and wireless networks. The attacker constructs frames by filling selected fields that contain addresses or identifiers with legitimate looking but non-existent values, or with values that belong to others. The attacker would have collected these legitimate values through sniffing.
11) MAC Address Spoofing :- The attacker generally desires to be hidden. But the probing activity injects frames that are observable by system administrators. The attacker fills the Sender MAC Address field of the injected frames with a spoofed value so that his equipment is not identified.
12) IP spoofing :- Replacing the true IP address of the sender (or, in rare cases, the destination) with a different address is known as IP spoofing. This is a necessary operation in many attacks.
13) Frame Spoofing :- The attacker will inject frames that are valid but whose content is carefully spoofed.

14) Wireless Network Probing :-
 The attacker then sends artificially constructed packets to a target that trigger useful responses. This activity is known as probing or active scanning.

15) AP Weaknesses :-
 APs have weaknesses that are both due to design mistakes and user interfaces
16) Trojan AP :- An attacker sets up an AP so that the targeted station receives a stronger signal from it than what it receives from a legitimate AP.
17) Denial of Service :- A denial of service (DoS) occurs when a system is not providing services to authorized clients because of resource exhaustion by unauthorized clients. In wireless networks, DoS attacks are difficult to prevent, difficult to stop. An on-going attack and the victim and its clients may not even detect the attacks. The duration of such DoS may range from milliseconds to hours. A DoS attack against an individual station enables session hijacking.
18) Jamming the Air Waves :- A number of consumer appliances such as microwave ovens, baby monitors, and cordless phones operate on the unregulated 2.4GHz radio frequency. An attacker can unleash large amounts of noise using these devices and jam the airwaves so that the signal to noise drops so low, that the wireless LAN ceases to function.
19) War Driving :- Equipped with wireless devices and related tools, and driving around in a vehicle or parking at interesting places with a goal of discovering easy-to-get-into wireless networks is known as war driving. War-drivers ( define war driving as “The benign act of locating and logging wireless access points while in motion.” This benign act is of course useful to the attackers.
Regardless of the protocols, wireless networks will remain potentially insecure because an attacker can listen in without gaining physical access.

Tips for Wireless Home Network Security

1) Change Default Administrator Passwords (and Usernames)
2) Turn on (Compatible) WPA / WEP Encryption
3) Change the Default SSID
4) Disable SSID Broadcast
5) Assign Static IP Addresses to Devices
6) Enable MAC Address Filtering
7) Turn Off the Network During Extended Periods of Non-Use
8) Position the Router or Access Point Safely


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File Sharing via Ad-Hoc Network

Hey Guys,
I found that sometimes we don’t have any media to share movies and files with our friends. So I am going to tell you that how you can share your movies and other files with friends. We will be doing this by transfering files via Ad-Hoc Wireless Network.
1. Go to Network And Sharing Center ( Control Panel -> Network And Internet -> Network and Sharing Centre )
2. Click on ‘Set up a new connection or network’.

3. Select last option “Set up a wireless ad hoc (computer to computer) network” and click Next.

4. Now enter the network name and security key for your ad hoc network.

5. Your ad hoc network has been created.

6. Now there will be a wireless ad hoc network in your laptop displaying “Waiting for Users”.

7. Same network will be showing in your friends laptop.

8. Connect to your wireless ad hoc network from your friends laptop. When both of you get connected it will show connected in both the laptops.

9. Now open “My Computer” in your friend’s laptop and click  on “Network”.

10. After click on Network, it will show computers presented in your wireless network.

11. Now you can access files from here, but it will ask for username and password for that computer.

12. Now to stop asking for password, open “Network and Sharing Center” and click on “Change Advanced Sharing Settings”.

13. Now you need to turn off the Password Protected Sharing. Select “Home or Work (current profile)”.

14. Now turn off Password Protected Sharing.

15. Sometimes your ad hoc network is treated as Public Networks, in that case do same with Public Profile.

16. Turn off Password Protected Sharing

17. Now you will be able to access the files without username and passwords. But there will only be one shared folder with the name of Users.

18. Now you need to share the folder on your laptop to access it with your friends laptop. To do this goto the properties of the folder (Right Click -> Properties)

19. Now go to “Sharing” tab and click on “Advanced Sharing”.

20. Now check mark “Share this folder” and click on “OK”.

21. Now your folder will be available in the network and you can access the files. ENJOY…!!

Control Panel -> Network And Internet -> Network and Sharing Centre


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Lock Desktop Icons

In this tutorial we’ll see how we can lock our desktop icons so that no one can make any changes to the icons that we have arranged in the desktop. Generally it happens when someone comes to our system and mess up the arrangement.
So for that open Registry and go to the following path

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer.

Right-click in the right pane and select New, DWORD Value name NoSaveSettings and press the Enter key. Right-click on the new NoSaveSettings item and select Modify. Enter 1 in the Value data box. After this, whenever you restart Windows, your settings will return to their current state.


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