Today an increasing number of companies are connecting to the Internet to support sales activities or to provide their employees and customers with faster information and services.
The virtual world has taken over the real one, E-business and E-commerce, which are the new mantras and electronic transactions and dominate the overall business paradigm. In this rapidly evolving e-world that depends on free flowing information, security is the major problem to be considered.
Security on Internet is challenging. Security on an Internet is important because information has significant value. Implementing security involves assessing the possible threats to one’s network, servers and information. The goal is then to attempt to minimize the threat as much as possible.
This developing world of information technology has a negative side effect. It has opened the door to antisocial and criminal behavior.
1.1 The Computer Dependent Age:
The modern world relies on computerized system for almost every thing in the life, from air, train and bus traffic control to medical services. Systems
on co paradise human lives. The society depends on computer system, therefore has profound human dimension too.
The rapid expansion of large-scale computer networks and the ability to access systems through regular telephone lines increase the vulnerability to these systems. And it also increases the opportunity for misuse or criminal activity.
Security is needed for both external and internal threats.
1.2 History of computer crimes:
It is difficult to determine when the first crime involving a computer actually took place. The computer has been around in some form since the abacus, which is known to exist in 3500BC in Japan , China , and India .
In 1801, profit motives encouraged Joseph Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France , to design the forerunner of the computer card. This device allowed the repetition of services of stamps in the weaving of special fabrics. However Jacquard’s employees were committed to discourage further use of new technology.
1.3 Definition of computer crimes:
Experts debated on what exactly constitutes computer crime or a computer related crime. Even after several years there is no internationally recognized definition of these terms. A global definition of computer crime has not been achieved. Computer crime has been defined as “any illegal unethical or unauthorized behavior involving automatic processing or transmission of data”.
Threats come in two categories:
1. Passive threats.
2. Active threats.
Passive threats:
This involves monitoring the transmission data of an organization.
Here the goal of the assembler if to obtain information that is being transmitted. Passive threats are difficult to detect because they do not involve alterations of data. These are of two types:
a. Release of message content.
b. traffic analysis.
Active threats:
These threats involve some modification of data stream or the creation of a false stream. These are of three types:
a. Modification.
b. Denial of message service.
c. Masquerade.
2.1 Fraud by computer manipulation:
Intangible assets represented in data format such as money on deposits or hours of work are the most common targets related to fraud.
Modern business is quickly replacing cash with deposits transacted on computer system creating computer fraud. Credit card information as well as personal and financial information on credit card has been frequently targeted by organized criminal crimes. Assets represented in data format often have a considerably higher value than traditionally economic assets resulting in potentially greater economic class.
2.2 Computer Forgery:
This happens when data is altered which is stored in documents that are in computerized form. Computers however can also be used as instruments for committing forgery. A new generation of fraudulent alteration or duplication emerged when computerized color laser copies became available.
These copies are capable of high-resolution copying, modification of documents that are even creating false documents without benefit of original. They produce documents with an equality that is indistinguishable from original documents.
Experts can only distinguish this.
The widespread of computer networks is the need for people with common and shared interest to communicate with each other. Information can easily be represented and manipulated in electronic form. To meet the needs of sharing and communicating information, the computers need to be connected which is called data communication network.
2.3 Damage to Data/Programs:
This category of criminal activity involves either direct or search unauthorized access to computer system by introducing new programs known as viruses, worms or logic bombs. The unauthorized modification suppression or erasure of computer data or functions with the Internet to hinder normal functioning of the system is clearly a criminal activity and is commonly referred to as computer sabotage.
VIRUS: (Vital information resources under seize).
Virus is a series of program codes with the ability to attach itself to legitimate programs and propagate itself to other computer programs. Viruses are file viruses and bootsector viruses.
It attacks the fat so that there is no sequence of file content and it destroys the data content.
They are just added to the files and they do not manipulate. It differs from a virus in that it does not have the ability to replicate itself.
As it involves the programming the destruction or modification of data is at a specific time in the future.
2.4 Unauthorized access:
The desire to gain unauthorized access to computer system can be prompted by several motives:
1. From simple curiosity.
2. To computer sabotage.
International unjustified access by a person not authorized by the owners or operators of a system may often constitute criminal behavior.
Unauthorized access creates the opportunity to cause additional unintended damage to data and system crashes. Accessing is often accomplished from a remote location along a telecommunication network by one of several means. The intruder may be able to take advantage of security measures to gain access or may find loopholes in existing security measures or system procedures. Frequently hackers impersonate legitimate users. This is especially common in systems.
Nobody’s data is completely safe. But everybody’s computers can still be protected against would-be hackers. Here is your defense arsenal.
3.1 Firewalls:
These are the gatekeepers to a network from the outside. Firewall should be installed at every point where the computer system comes in contact with other networks, including the Internet a separate local area network at customer’s site or telephone company switch.
3.2 Password protection:
At minimum, each item they logon, all PC users should be required to type-in password that only they and network administrator know. PC users should avoid picking words, phrases or numbers that anyone can guess easily, such as birth dates, a child’s name or initials. Instead they should use cryptic phrases or numbers that combine uppercase and lowercase.
Letters such as the “The Moon Also Rises”. In addition the system should require all users to change passwords every month or so and should lockout prospective users if they fail to enter the correct password three times in a row.
3.3 Viruses:
Viruses generally infect local area networks through workstations. So anti-virus software that works only on the server isn’t enough to prevent infection.
You cannot get a virus or any system-damaging software by reading e-mail. Viruses and other system-destroying bugs can only exist in files, and e-mail is not a system file. Viruses cannot exist there. Viruses are almost always specific of the operating system involved. Meaning, viruses created to infect DOS application can do no damage to MAC systems, and vice versa. The only exception to this is the Microsoft Word “macro virus” which infects documents instead of the program.
3.4 Encryption:
Even if intruders manage to break through a firewall, the data on a network can be made safe if it is encrypted. Many software packages and network programs – Microsoft Windows NT, Novel NetWare, and lotus notes among others- offer and – on encryption schemes that encode all the data sent on the network. In addition, companies can buy stand alone encryption packages to work with individual applications. Almost every encryption package is based on an approach known as public-private key.
Scrambled data is encoded using a secret key unique to that transmission. Receiver’s use a combination of the sender’s public key and their own private encryption key to unlock the secret code for that message decipher it.
3.5 Audit Trails:
Almost all firewalls, encryption programs, and password schemes include an auditing function that records activities on the network.
This log which, ironically is turned off by many network administrators who doesn’t appreciate its importance is an excellent way of recording what occurred during an attack by hackers.
Get licensed anti-virus software and one must update them regularly. Most good anti-virus software offers on-line updating.
There are some teams of people who have been formed to assist in solving hacker attacks and to disseminate information on security attacks. Two such teams are:
1. CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team).
2. FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams).
Here are some points by which one can reduce the danger of getting hacked:
a. Do not accept files from unknown sources if the files are sent as an attachment or sent to you while your are chatting.
b. Do not download any executable files from unknown sources.
c. Do not simply accept files even if it is from known sources. This is due to the fact that the latest virus could send itself as an attachment from an infected computer. It would be from your known sources.
d. Constantly change your password. Use alphanumeric and special characters whenever possible. Never use your name, birth dates or words that are easily traced.
5.1 Callback units:
Callback units are a good security device, but with most phone systems, it is quite possible for the hacker to use the following steps to get around a callback unit that uses the same phone line for both incoming and outgoing calls: First, he calls the callback unit and enters any authorized ID code. After he enters this ID, the hacker holds the phone line open; he does not hand up. When the callback unit picks up the phone to call the user back, the hacker is there, waiting to meet it.
The ID code is simple for a hacker to obtain, because these codes are not meant to be security precautions. The callback unit itself provides security by keeping incoming calls from reaching the computer. The ID codes are no more private than most telephone numbers. Some callback units refer to the codes as “location identification numbers” and some locations are used by several different people, so their Ids are fairly well known. In some cases, callback units also have certain simple codes that are always defined by default. Once the hacker has entered an Id code and the callback unit has picked up the phone to re-call him. The hacker may or may not decide to provide a dial tone to allow to “thinking” if it is calling the correct number.
5.2 Trapdoors as a possibility:
A trapdoor is a set of special instructions embedded in the large program that is the operating system of a computer. A permanent, hopefully secret “doorway “, these special instruments enable anyone who knows about them to bypass normal security procedures and to gain access to the compote’s files. Although they may sound sinister, hackers did not invent trapdoors, although existing ones are certainly used by hackers who find out them.
5.3 The Decoy:
One of the more sophisticated hacking tools is known as the decoy. It requires that hacker an account on the system. The hacker with a low-security account tries this method to get higher-security account. He will first use his low-security account to write a program that will emulate the log-on procedures of the systems.
1. Clear the terminal screen and place text on it that makes every thing look as if the system is in charge.
2. Prompt for, and allow the user to enter both an account name and a password.
3. Save that information in a place the hacker can access.
4. Tell the user the account/password entries are not acceptable.
5. Turn control of the terminal back over to the system.
5.4 Intercept:
Holding the line will only work with callback units that use the same phone lines to call in and to call out. Some callback units use different incoming and outgoing lines, numbers 555-4820 through 555-3830 are dedicated to users incoming calls and lines 555-2020 through 555-2030 are dedicated to the computers outgoing calls. The only thing a hacker needs in order to get through to these systems is a computer and a little time- he does not even need an ID code.
First, the hacker calls any one of the outgoing phone lines, which of course, will not answer, sooner, or later, though, while the hacker has his computer waiting there, listening to the ring, an authorized user will call one of the incoming lines and request to be called back. It will usually be less than an hours wait, but the hacker’s computer is perfectly capable of waiting for days, if need be.
5.5 Call Forwarding:
Many people use call forwarding by special arrangement with the Phone Company. When a customer requests for a call forwarding, the Phone Company uses its computer to forward all customers incoming calls to another number. Let us say for example, that you want calls that come to your office phone to be forwarded to your phone. A call from you to the Phone Company, some special setting in the phone company computer, and all calls to your home instead. This little bit of help from Phone Company is another tool used by hacker.
5.6 Rapid fire:
Memory location manipulation can be helpful, but there is another more powerful possibility in some case, the Rapid-fire method. To understand how this method works, you have to know something about the way operating system works. When a user enters a command, the operating system first places the command in a holding area, the buffer, where it will sit for a few millionths of a second. The system looks at the command and says “Does this person really have authorization to do this, or not?” Then the command sits there a few millionths of a second while the system runs off to check the user’s authentication, when the system comes back to the command it will have one of the two possible answers: “ok, go ahead” or “sorry, get permission first”.
Once you are on a system that handles things like this, you can use the rapid-fire method to change the command while it is sitting in the buffer, waiting to be executed. If you can do this, you can do anything. You can enter a command that you know will be approved, such as “tell me the time”. As soon as the system runs off to verify your right to know the time, you can change the command in the buffer to something you know would not be approved, “give me the list of all the passwords”, when the system comes back with the “ok, go ahead”, it responds to the second command, not the first one. Of course, this exchange has to be done very rapidly, but more systems existing today can be fooled by this trick.
The issue of network and Internet security has become increasingly more important as more and more business and people go on-line.
To avoid the information from hackers we use the passwords secretly and we change the passwords regularly. We cannot use our names, initials as passwords that are easily traced. We should not download any executable files from unknown sources, information from any sources without checking for virus. We have to use licensed anti-virus software. Also teams like CERT and FIRST assist in solving hacker attacks and to disseminate information on security.
Computers Today.
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