Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Procedure for obtaining JNTUA Original Degree Certificate / Convocation

JNTUA Original Degree Certificate / Convocation Form

Apply for Convocation- Download the link below

                                                       Enclosures to the application:
1. DD in favor of the 
           JNTUA, Anantapur payable at Anantapur. 
          (HT Number shall be written on the back side of 
Demand               draft).

    Fees inclusive of Postage:
          a) In Convocation (In Absentia): Rs. 2000/-
          b) Pre-Convocation: Rs. 3000/-
          c) Post Convocation: Rs. 2000/- + Late fee of Rs. 500/- per              each year

2. Photo Copy of the Provisional Certificate


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