Friday, August 16, 2013

Steal Stored Passwords

This tutorial will show you how to obtain all saved passwords on a computer, which may include e-mails and other accounts. This tutorial assumes you have physical access to the victims computer.
  1. Download and install Cain & Able from here:
  2. If you don't want to have to download and install software on the victims computer, a USB bootable version is available.
  3. Open Cain & Abel and click on configure
  4. Select the device that has an IP ( for example) and make sure Don't use promisucous mode is checked. Click ok
  5. On the left under the decoders tab, there should be an IE 7 passwords option. Choose that
  6. Click on the blue + icon
  7. You should now see all saved IE 7 passwords. You can use the other options on the left to see if you can recover any other stored passwords.
  8. If the victim doesn't use IE or this method didn't work for any reason, you can google search stored password recovery and find a bunch of other tools that do similar functions. Also, see the "USB password stealer" tutorial on this website.


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